5 Page Spread

I really like the name “Digitally Daring” so, I wanted to use that for my business name. I also put the two pictures for the cover because I believe they are different, and something that really shows how I can change the perspective. I know there will probably be some things that I tweak when going through finally, but I’m really happy with how it turned out.


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For my Macros, I decided that I was going to take a small figurine that I had, and just create that illusion of being tiny. I really like the way that I captured the first photo, by showing the surroundings of Loki, and just how small he really was. I was almost trying to tell a story with the photos that I took, and I hope that I did a good job.

I created the effect that Loki was moving around the house, and I really just liked to see how I could make things in the back look for him.


For the Flowers, I wanted to create a look of vibrance with the first picture, and then the life fading from them in the second. Though, the drop still remains, the flowers in the bottom are almost Halloween horror movie status, which I am 100% okay with. This was a fun project for me, and I really enjoyed it.

Themed Series

I don’t know if that template was the exact one that we were to copy, but I just made one that had been floating around in my mind for a while. I really liked how it turned out, and I believe that it really shows off just what the name of my photography means.


So, for my themed series, I decided to do metalwork because there was a lot of designs and everything that caught my eye at Bannack. I also added the same photo effect to each photo to stick with the theme. I created the black layer, reduced the opacity and used the rectangle tool to delete the black space that I didn’t want. It was fun to be able to figure out how I was going to make the words really relate to the subject.

I took the quote because I felt that those who had worked on these pieces may have not always got the recognition that they had been looking for, but they were indeed beautiful pieces that God was watching them make.

I adjusted the layers, clarity, and some of the curves for a few photos. I also used Black and White for a few to convey a better story of these pieces. Almost an eerie feeling, especially with the whole merry-go-round picture. I had a lot of fun taking these photos, editing them and adding some words. I’m proud of this work, and how I’ve become more interested in Photography.

Title: Eras Light ITC, Sans Serif

Body: Century Gothic, Sans Serif



Body: Eras Light ITC, Sans Serif and Blackladder ITC, Decorative

Body: Eras Light ITC, Sans Serif






So for this weeks assignment, I was able to take some photos of people and how just capture their sweet moments in the mean time. I had the privilege to capture some shots of my best friends’ wedding and as well as another of my best friend throughout town.

Candid shot- I just captured this while they were talking to each other, and it was just a tender moment.

Environmental photo- This is just a photo of Paige and Brielle, Brielle is well known for doing things with hair and makeup, so this was her in her natural environment, I really like that I was able to capture her focusing on the hair, as well as getting the image of her curling Paige’s hair in the mirror. It was good.

Full Body- Brielle is very passionate about art, so being able to find this was one of the best things, especially while I was taking the photo. I really like all the colors that are in this photo, and I really tried to create that feeling of vibrancy when I edited it a little.

Group-posed; This was just a photo that was done with a photo filter just to cool the tone of the environment, and I just love this photo. I was able to make the arch pop and just have everyone with a good expression and enough light.

Blemish Tool- I used the blemish tool to just fix a little bit of things that were around Paige and Colin’s face. It worked out really well, and I thought that it turned out beautifully.

Iris Enhancer- For this, I took a shot of my cat, and I brightened her right eye a little, her left eye was already plenty bright, but I also used the spot healing tool to get rid of some dander that was showing on her fur.

This is the picture that I used the lighting for to get the other photo to lighten up a little bit.

Here is the lightened photo above!

And here is the original image!


I had a lot of fun with this project and being able to take photos of people and just capture them in the moment. It was beautiful.

Bannack Fine Art

During the hour that we had of Free Time, I took the opportunity to go and capture different aspects of the town. It was really interesting to see all the different buildings, the insides, the surroundings. It was beautiful, and the hour went by so fast. I took all these pictures because they just all captured my attention, from the crooked building standing next to the wagon, to the rusted stove, to the baby carriage, they all spoke to me in a way that I hadn’t before heard, and I’m so glad that I was able to try out different perspectives, to capture the details and stories that I wanted.


Creative Bannack Shots

While at Bannack, we had the opportunity to create some interesting shots. The following are ghost, levitation, commercial, abstract, and conceptual. I had a lot of fun testing myself and seeing how exactly I could portray and capture the images that I wanted.

Ghost Photo!

It was really cool to be able to see how William moved, and just how everything went, the fact that I can still see his movement and everything was AWESOME!

Levitation photos: So, I did Levitation and ghost, the first photo is that of the model on the prop, and the second is the background, whilst the third is the final product! I had a lot of fun with this and trying to see how creative I could be.

For this shot, I wanted to be able to do a commercial for the Vaseline lotion. I used the rough, dry ground to signify the relief that the lotion could have on dry and cracked skin. Still working on the slogan, but I’m really happy with what I did. I also threw a little dirt on the bottle as well to make it blend more into the surroundings and add a feel of strength to the product.

I really enjoyed the Abstract section. So, I have always had a fascination with keyholes, and honestly, these were the best that I had seen, so naturally, I wanted to see what I could capture within.

Finally, for my Conceptual photo, I wanted to portray a story of almost forbidden love, in a way. These two are hiding from the world their affection, and yet, it’s important enough to them that they are with each other, they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it together.

Bannack Portraits


This past week, I had the opportunity to go to Bannack Ghost Town and to take some photos of some models, as well as the surrounding areas. These following photos were taken with different examples of auxiliary lighting, which I will tell you those underneath the photos. This was an amazing experience, one that I am so glad I was able to do, simply because I wanted to get to the point where I could take good photos and be proud, and I think I’ve finally done that.

With Patty here, we used a Reflector with the gold lighting. I really loved the way that it lit her face, and just softened the light around her as well. This was one of my favorite shots and I added some clarity, as well as changed the exposure a little just to give it an extra gritty feeling.


Stan and Toby- With Stan and Toby, we did natural light, along with a reflector. I love this photo because of the glow that is on Stan’s face, as well as his horse, Toby. For me, it makes me think of the beginning of a western movie where the hero rides in as the sun rises and hits them just right. Beautiful photo.



Again with Patty, we used the reflector and changed her positioning. I was just so happy with the way that pictures turned out with her, that I had to use more than one.


This is Annella Jo. We used the Einstein Strobe with her, I love the way that the lighting was when I took this photo. I merely adjusted the clarity a little followed by the vibrancy and saturation. It was quite good out of camera, so I was pleased with that.


In the hotel with Madi, I used the Wescott Apollo Orb and took this great photo. I ended up doing the process that we did with the Buoys in the Photoshop Skills, so I created a small Vignette around Madi and darkened it to my liking. I thought it turned out great!


Finally with Ana, Stan, and Toby, we used the Natural Light and Reflectors once more. I was on the ground for this shot, and I just really liked the angle of everything. Reminded me of a movie poster, I suppose Stan just gives me that vibe. But I was really happy with the way that everything turned out, and I know I keep saying that, but like, this was AMAZING. I was able to feel more confident about how I shoot my photos and to trust the lighting and hold out for the perfect shot. Great opportunity to capture these folks.

Landscape- Perspective of 9


The place that I decided to go to take my landscape pictures was in West Yellowstone National Park. I went with a couple family members, and we just had a great time exploring the beauty of the world. I edited a few of these photos using the skills in Photoshop that we learned, and I was really glad I remembered the things that I had to before!

For a few of the photos I was on the ground, trying to get the best perspective that I could, and I also wanted to get a couple images with Bokeh, though not all of them turned out great, I posted a couple of the ones that I really liked. For the textured picture, I decided to overlay a picture of two geese in the river along with my two friends. I know it looks a little like the geese are monstrous, but I thought that added a little something special to it. I like to try to create other worlds with my photography, and being able to do just a little of that was really beneficial.

Yellowstone is just simply stunning, and I’m so glad that I was able to go out and take these shots. They were all taken the same day, on Sunday the 8th, and between 3-5 p.m.




{Photo used for Texture}

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